Proud to present the first multi lingual website in my portfolio. Laser Logistics project as of now is fully functional in Italian and Bulgarian. Early 2019 I expect the English language version to be complete. You can visit the new project here
One of the four staged photos for Barassue calendar. Piramid is made of paper that looks and feels like velvet. The months paper is made out of thick cardboard. Press printed. Pure luxury. See more bellow.
Watch the final version of ProPectin video project here.
Check out the video that represents steps from my edit history to see how to turn a bad image into a great photograph. I call it bad but the image was purposely exposed for highlights so I can get the atmosphere right in the beginning. Planning...
Video can be seen here:
Small but elegant one page website to host everything you want on a business card. Check it out here:
Mobile version
Новият сайт на СТЕЛАЖИТЕ БГ е готов. Изключително голямо внимание е обърнато на форматирането на текстът в сайтът. Приятен и подреден улеснява четенето…
Final version of GTT LTD (Джи Ти Ти ООД) website is live. See it at
GTT sells high quality contemporary Italian products. The main page had to summarize all the products the company sells.
The menu had to organize all products very...