Датата е 29ти Юни 2017г. Хората се събраха да протестират срещу проектът на фирма НИКМИ за строеж на небостъргач в жилищен комплекс. Проектът се състои в изграждане на 43 етажна сграда, която не е съобразена с никаква инфраструктура, липсват локални платна да абсорбират трафикът сутрин в 9 и вечер в 5. Няма да изпадам в подробности колко усложнения има, и че такъв проект би блокирал целият квартал за около 10г.


Фотографиите са направени с изключително голям респект към обектите.

Боньо Бонев

The date is 29th of June 2017. People gathered to protest agains the construction project of NIKMI company in front of a housing area. The project consist of building 43 floor building with no local lanes to absorb morning and afternoon traffic comping in and out. I will not get into the detail that such project have a lot of issues and will block the whole neighborhood for approximately 10 years.


Photographs were taken with great pleasure and respect to the objects.

Bonyo Bonev

Protest against the "NIKMI" skyscraper

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

  • Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

    Протест срещу небостъргачът на НИКМИ

It is 2016, 29th of October. The place is the famous Eagle Bridge in Sofia. People gather to participate in protest-concert in support of referendum for shaking the political system in Bulgaria. Concert was hosted by Slavi Trifonov.

Photographs were taken with great pleasure and respect to the objects.

Bonyo Bonev
Датата е 29ти октомври 2016. Мястото е известният Орлов мост в София. Хората се събират за да участват в концерт-протест и подкрепят референдумът, който ще разтърси политическата система в България. Концертът се проведе от Слави Трифонов.

Фотографиите са направени с изключително голям респект към обектите.

Боньо Бонев

Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

  • Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

    Protest-Concert Against the Electoral System

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